

Timestamp, Electronic Signature & Electronic Archives

Technology : Java / Spring Boot / JDBC / REST / Bouncy Castle / Amazon S3

See more:

Started: 2023, Status: Production, Maturity: 3/5, Development: ongoing


Secure Data Storage, Long Term Archives, Digital Signature

Technology : Java / Spring Boot / JDBC / REST / Tika / Lucene

See more:

Started: 2020, Status: Production, Maturity: 4/5, Development: ongoing


Headless Content Management System

CMS, Pages authoring, documents management, API

Technology : Java / Spring Boot / JDBC / REST / Tika / Lucene

See more:

Started: 2012, Status: Production, Maturity: 5/5, Development: ongoing


Front-end rendering (head) for Desk

Web Site manager : pages, blogs, comments

Companion product of Desk

Technology : Java / Spring Boot / REST

Started: 2012, Status: Production, Maturity: 5/5, Development: ongoing

Monee 360

Personal Finance Manager

Includes : multi accounts, multi currencies, automatic transfers and scheduled operations

Technology : Java / Spring Boot / JDBC / REST

See more:

Started: 2014, Status: Production, Maturity: 5/5, Development: ongoing


JDBC SQL command line client 

JDBC command line client, support any JDBC compatible databases. Connections are securely stored in a AES-256 encrypted file. BroadSQL is open-source and free to use.

BroadSQL is my first important side project, I started it as early as 2006, the first BETA release for production being called CliSQL in 2008.

Technology : Java / Spring / JDBC

See more:

Started: 2006, Status: Production, Maturity: 5/5, Development: ongoing


Proof of concepts

jFixer API

An Open Source Java library for accessing the Exchange Rates API. This API is used in Monee 360.

See code at :

A companion helper web site developped in Spring Boot lets you explore the API both live and using a simulator :

Technology : Java / Spring / REST

Started: 2018, Status: Production, Maturity: 5/5, Development: Discontinued


RPN Calculator

Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) Calculators, in back-end Java / Spring Boot web services and in front-end using JavaScript.

Technology : Java / Spring Boot 2 / REST / JSP / Bootstrap 3

Started: 2020, Status: Production, Maturity: 5/5, Development: Discontinued


Archived Projects

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